Event事件 History历史 418P 世界史研究的视角和模式·世界历史 第3册
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《世界史研究的视角和模式》 姜芃 等著《世界历史》第3册。对一个多世纪以来中国世界史学科的发展作了全面、系统的梳理与总结,在此基础上,总结并概括了中国世界史研究的整体性和历史性特点,并对其今后具体研究内容方面的发展趋势作了分析和预测。 
Human history is an eight volume, 39 volume, 15 million word World history book published by Jiangxi People’s Publishing House. It expresses the independent understanding of Chinese World history scholars on Human history, proposes a new World history system, promotes the discipline construction of Chinese World history, and is a Human history book with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style.

The Perspective and Mode of World history Research, Volume 3 of Human history by Jiang Peng and others. This paper makes a comprehensive and systematic review and summary of the development of the discipline of Chinese World history over the past century. On this basis, it summarizes and summarizes the overall and historical characteristics of the study of Chinese World history, and analyzes and predicts the development trend of its specific research content in the future.

Event事件 History历史 418P 世界史研究的视角和模式·世界历史 第3册

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