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《斗數明燈》是作者以過來人的心路歷程撰寫而成:有對斗數懸疑的思與辨;有星情、星宮意象與斷訣、四化星斷訣……的透澈詮釋。當您遍閱坊間群書、訪求名師高手之後,仍然徬徨迷惘時,讀了《紫微隨筆》,可以給您帶來充實感和喜悅感。『虔誠談命理‧坦蕩洩天機』,是本書作者撰寫五術著作的一貫風格。從本書,您可領略作者循循善誘的教學精神、正直無私的胸襟,獲得學習的成果。序言這一部(紫微隨筆),是我的五術著作系列命理類中;屬於斗數命理的初作;分為四集:元集(斗數明燈);亨集(斗數古文新解);利集(斗數拆招);貞集(斗數批命實務)。元、亨二集以斗數學理的探討與闡發為主,利、貞二集以斗數的運用與實踐為主。開始寫作的時間是在一九六九年,那時斗數名家慧心齋主正在臺灣日報綜合生活版,以「馥廬」為筆名撰寫(紫微斗數與人生)的專欄(目前我還保留第一篇至五十三篇的剪報),飛雲山人正撰寫(面相與人生)的專欄,而我是自一九六八年起便在該報副刊長期刊登散文、新詩、報導文學(己結集者有(台灣的文采與泥香),一九九二年11月由武陵出版有限公司出版),並在綜合生活版,以「竹山人」為筆名,或用真名撰寫(古今名人八字研究)(已結集(古今名人命運鑑賞),一九九一年11月由武陵出版有限公司出版)的專欄及其他關於風水和命理的作品。二十多年來寫寫停停,很不順暢,為什麼呢?因為我發現紫微斗數本身的理論體系並不完整,架構也不穩固,充滿很多矛盾牴觸,令人因惑不解的問題太多了。於是當思考和實驗觸礁,卡在瓶頸時,我就轉向(易經)、(張果星宗)、(河洛理數)、(鐵板神數)、古天文學、現代天文學、曆學、子平命學、(皇極經世)等方面去探求,希望能找到打開斗數寶庫的金鑰。同時極力搜尋古笈、秘本,參閱近賢者作,一有心得輒隨手筆記。其間的艱苦心境,可用清?王國維(人間詞話)所說的為學做事「三境界」來勾畫: ——昨夜西風凋碧樹,獨上高樓,望斷天涯路。(泛覽) ——衣帶漸寬終不悔,為伊消得人憔悴。(專攻) ——眾裡尋他千百度,回頭驀見:那人正在燈火闌珊處。(創作)原先的構想是以明.清筆記、小品文式的體裁,作「輕鬆一下」的表現,嘻笑怒罵、插科打諢,並不排斥。但是好友—五術奇才宣易園陳啟銓兄的一句話:「要寫,就寫建設性的。」改變了我的初衷,乃將所有資料重新整編,去蕪存菁,成為現在的面貌。自一九八九年仲春辭去省立竹山高中十五年的教學工作後,我不玩物喪志,也不為形神所勞,過著像(菜根譚)所描述的幽閑日子:「徜徉於山林泉石之間,而塵心漸息;夷猶於詩書圖畫之物,內而俗氣潛消。」身心得到澄澈解放後,較能作深入的思考;沒有塵囂俗氣的污染,看事物,較能清晰;經常接近林泉花草和親朋好友,性情變得較平靜溫厚。對治學、著作而言,這四年多的光陰,可說是一種「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」的境遇。當初很多人挽留我、惋惜我,但是我還是毅然向教育界揮手,投入專業畫家,作家這一條路,無怨無悔,在目前的感受,我想:當初的抉擇是無誤的。在研究斗數的過程中,您所遭遇的所有情況;我大都曾遭遇過,因為我也曾經是欲叩無門的門外漢;也曾經是面對群書,一臉困惑、滿頭霧水的讀書人;也曾經是四處尋訪高人名師的小卒仔;和您一樣,也曾相信、也曾不相信:台中小雜貨店有斗數高手,乃至八仙過海到臺灣南部,化身在饅頭攤、鮮花店自玩玩人 …等等「神話」;也曾羨慕、也曾不羨慕:某名家有「隱者老師」和他飲咖啡、喝茶傳道.授業.解惑,某名家的恩師年事己高,且強調這一輩子只收她一個門人;也曾妄想過:找一處風水奇佳的好龍穴,恭敬跌坐,祈禱天神下降,灌注一點靈光,能夠頓悟斗數玄機。只要是能夠少學習困境的捷徑,你我都曾聽過,想過、夢過、試過,也都失望過、絕望過。我要以過來人的身分以及比您多一點的歷練,告訴您:不要相信謊言和神話,不要痴心,不要妄想,「麥閣憨啊啦」!還是自求多福吧!每當我咬一本書咬不破時,總會想起清末名臣張之洞(一八三七~一九○九)的童年故事:張之洞的父親張瑛由於居處僻遠的黔中,任州縣小官,平時搜集書籍不易。有一回,索性竭盡薪俸,買了幾十櫥的書回來,放在孩子們的學舍裏,讓他們在每天固定的功課之外,得隨意翻閱。買回來的大多數是史部、近代說經之書以及朱子書等。 有人笑張瑛說:「小孩子那看得懂這些書?」可是張瑛卻回答: 「現在姑且讓他們翻一翻,不懂也無所謂,看得多了,將來自然能夠了解。」選一本好的書,多翻幾遍,遠離顛倒夢想吧!唯有如此,才能做到「般若波羅蜜多」(到達智慧的彼岸),進入「究竟涅槃」(修成正果)的境界。每一位大畫家、大書法家、大運動家、大音樂家 … 都經過基本技巧的訓練階段,基本技巧越紮實,日後的成就越大。我教導學生繪畫、書法、堪輿、命理,一向都很注重紮基的階段,所以在(紫微隨筆)這部書中,循例先推出能使學習者穩固根基的元集(斗數明燈)和亨集(斗數古文新解)。接著,再推出公開各斗數門派論命訣竅的利集(斗數拆招)。最後,推出示範斗數批命限流年的貞集(斗數批命實務)。「虔誠談命理?坦蕩洩天機」是我一貫堅持的寫作風格,讀者若能循序閱讀拙著,持之以勤,以恆,必定有充實的收穫。好友陳啟銓兄在他的大作(紫微玄機)書後語說:「高手一看本書,必哈哈大笑」:『宣易園斗數不亮招則已,一出手不過如此,還以為有什麼天大的本領呢?』一代宗師也會訕笑說:『不值一顧,我才是真正的天下無敵。』不要得意太早,任何人窮一生的精力,所得有限,好的招式,只要順手,不必言多。(道德經)有云:(為學日益,為道日損。)命理雖為小道,所學者廣遠,但可為道者不多,必要由簡入繁,再由繁入簡也。我研究學識,不旁門左道,以公正的立場、客觀的條件,推之以理,言之有物,重實證。凡事只要多領悟、多印證,捉著要領,基礎根基打好,再漸次而進,必有成就的一天。如今我竹山佛心翠影書齋亮出紫微斗數的招式,心態與啟詮兄相似,不奢望得到高手、宗師的認同,只是在不玩花俏、不離經叛道的原則之下,提供斗數理則的可能性、多樣性給讀者罷了;希望讀者能因此而開展視野和心靈領域,改變思考方式和研究方向:這才是我所至盼的。至於個人的譭譽,我並不放在心上。 自序紫微斗數這塊園地,近十年來,由於時賢的墾植灌溉,呈現百花怒放的繁華景象,但也令人擔憂:開到茶蘼花事了-芳菲過後,落紅滿地誰掃!讀書 –尤其是讀堪輿、命理等術數類的書籍,如果沒有揀擇,便是對知識沒有主見。雖然,做學問必須經過泛覽的過程,對各種事都應該去瞭解一下,但是,並不表示要照單全收;所有的知識,都必須經過智慧的觀照和批判之後,才可決定那些觀念、法則具有真正的價值和準確度?值得我們採納;那些觀念、法則是渣滓糟粕?應予棄置。揀擇正確,透過它,才能開啟五術宮殿之門,深入堂奧,得窺宗廟之美、百官之富;揀擇錯誤,受它誤導,不是走進死衚衕,便是步入岐途,自障自絕,虛耗精神,枉度光陰。清初苕溪老人林之翰自序(四診抉微)曰:夫,詣泰華者,非濟勝之具,不能以登其巔。涉江漢者,非舟楫之用,未足以達其源。是以師曠不廢律呂以作樂,般倕難舍繩墨以成器。在宗匠亦必借資於物,而成其工巧,技藝之士,又豈能舍規矩而成方圓者哉?學命理,要有正確的觀念和法則作為基礎-就如登高山要有足夠的體魄;渡大河要有堅固的舟船和老練的舵手。基礎是創作之母,即使是春秋晉國的大音樂家師曠,也須以律呂五音為基礎,才能創造出美妙的音樂;春秋魯國的大工藝家公輸般,也須以繩墨規矩為基礎,才能創造出工巧的建築和藝品;中醫師必須以望聞問切為基礎,才能為人推算命運,指點迷津。唐.魏徵(諫太宗十思疏)說:「求木之長者,必固其根本;欲流之遠者,必浚其泉源。」即指出基礎的重要性:根柢穩固,方成葉奕蔭濃;源頭深邃,方成浩瀚滄茫。在人生研究學問的過程中,有多少錯誤可犯?又有多少時光可以磋跎?有多少錯誤是可以挽救的?又有多少錯誤是無法挽救的?在即將邁入21世紀,社會結構型態急劇變動的末現代;在歷盡滄桑的現代人而言,一再的嘗試錯誤,一再的蹉跎時光,無疑的,是一種對生命的扼殺!童年時的跌跤,算不得什麼,父母,師長會扶持你、鼓勵你爬起來:拍一拍就好了,小心再走。成年後的跌跤,還有誰來扶持你、鼓勵你呢?即使有,你肯接納嗎?聽得進去嗎?會跑、會跳的人,不相信自己不會走路,成年人也不相信自己的判斷會錯誤。在我們的眼中所看到的成年人,有多少是愚昧無知者呢?小孩子走路只會在平地跌倒,成年人卻因為腳力強健,可能由高山斷崖摔下。小孩子摔傷了,不過是皮肉之傷罷了,很快就能痊癒。成年人的失足,卻傷及骨骼臟腑,危及生命,要爬起來或痊癒不知要耗費多少精力與時間,甚至永遠沒有機會了。有形的跌倒,會覺得疼痛,知道自己犯了錯誤所致。無形的深淵,孩童不敢探索,成年人卻因自信而不知不覺的走進去,走下去,等到發覺那是一個黑暗的淵藪時,想要回頭,已經皓首齒搖:生命不給他太多的機會啦!生命短暫,世路多岐,學海無涯。當我展閱(小窗幽記的啟示)時,上面那些敘述,令我有深切的感觸,想起過去研習斗數歷程:跌跤了,沒有人扶持,鼓勵,只有自己一再的嚐試錯誤摸索途徑、突破瓶頸,劈荊斬棘,手胼了,腳胝了,直到撥雲見日的一天 –已經由不知愁滋味的少年,進入禿掉髮的不惑之年了。想起不知有多少人,正處於我曾經歷過的徬徨,迷惘的路上?他們能像我一樣,能幸運的及時走出來嗎?或許我該伸出援手,在黑暗的淵藪中,擦亮一根火柴,為他們點燃一盞明燈吧。 目錄坊間的斗數書籍及絕版、未出版的古本、秘本,我所接觸過者,至少有二百本,但真正讓我覺得滿意者,如鳳毛麟角,寥寥無幾。古本非魯魚亥豕,及旨意隱晦;今本非傳襲不化,及荒謬虛誕。兼具旨義廣袤、詞語曉暢,又能正確詮釋現代性的斗數書籍,真的很少。因此,我常聽到讀者無奈、無助的心聲。跌跤失足會帶來肉體、心靈上的創痛,讀錯書時,心靈的悲痛有時更甚於跌跤失足的創痛,也有些作者和讀者,只顧著瞻望遠方,忽略了腳下,更矇蔽了自己的心;只看遠方不看腳下,是好高騖遠,華而不實,瞥眼即逝。心受矇蔽,是自欺 — 有時腳走的方向不是心想的方向;心是會欺騙人的,不懂自欺,也會欺人。揀擇錯誤的書、著作錯誤的書,都是心靈受了矇蔽。著作本書時,我想起王陽明(傳習錄)所說的:學射,必張弓挾矢,引滿中的。學書,則必伸紙執筆,操觚染翰。一本學問思辨、篤敦力行的宗旨,與「虔誠談命理,坦蕩洩天機」的作風,我把所曾遭遇過的困惑問題解答出來,把所閱、所思的劄記精華整理出來,提供給徬徨、迷惘的讀者。(小窗幽記的啟示)說:「日月衡古不變,總予人間光明,聖賢的心境也是如此,要人們都能棄黑暗而行於光明,使人間常歡喜無悲愁。言語有辭窮處,心意有難表時,然而,此心卻昭昭如日月,經行不殆,永遠為人們的幸福著想。」我非聖賢,但心上烙著六祖惠能的偈語:菩提本無樹,明鏡亦無臺;佛性常清淨,何處有塵埃?心是菩提樹,身為明鏡臺;明鏡本清淨,何處染塵埃?只希望達到明心見性境界,企望見到風狂雨驟後的天地,呈現清爽明亮的祥和氤氳。這只是第一盞明燈,但願我自己和斗數先進繼續點燃第二盞、第三盞,乃至無盡盞的明燈,來照亮黑暗的世界。感謝書畫大師李轂摩兄為本書封面賜題墨寶,五術界奇才宣易園陳啟銓兄提供資料及鼓勵、門人張建民、陳泱丞協助整理校稿;更要感謝本書中參考引用其大作的各位斗數賢才。第二集目錄卷一、星情新解篇《星垣論》新解《形性賦》新解《星垣問答論》新解紫微篇、天機篇、太陽篇、武曲篇、天同篇、廉貞篇、天府篇、太陰篇、貪狼篇、巨門篇、天相篇、天梁篇、七殺篇、破軍篇、文昌•文曲篇、左輔•右弼篇、天魁•天鉞篇、祿存篇、天馬篇、四化篇、擎羊•陀羅篇、火星•鈴星篇、天空•地劫篇、天傷•天使篇、天刑篇、天姚篇、天哭•天虛篇卷二、賦文新解篇《斗數指南》新解、《斗數準繩論》新解、《斗數彀率》新解、《發微論》新解、《太微賦總括》新解、《太微賦》註解、《增補太微賦》新解、《斗數骨髓賦註解》新解、《女命骨髓賦註解》新解卷三、格局與訣語篇補遺《骨髓賦》註解、定富貴貧賤十等論、十二宮諸星得地合格訣、十二宮諸星失陷破格訣、十二宮諸星得地富貴論、十二宮諸星失陷貧賤論定富局1財蔭夾印2日月夾財3財祿夾馬4蔭印拱身5日月照壁6金燦光輝定貴局1日月夾命2日出扶桑3月落亥宮4月生滄海5輔弼拱主6君臣慶會7財印夾祿8祿馬佩印9坐貴向貴10馬頭帶劍11七殺朝斗12日月並明13化明珠出海14日月同臨15刑囚夾印16科祿權拱17貪火相逢18武曲守垣19府相朝垣20紫府朝垣21文星暗拱22祿機生逢23擎羊入廟24巨機居卯25明祿暗祿26科明祿暗27金與扶駕定貧賤局生不逢時、祿逢兩殺、馬落空亡、日月藏輝、財與囚仇、一生孤貧、君子在野定雜局風雲際會、錦上添花、祿衰馬困、衣錦還鄉、步數無依、水上架屋、吉凶相伴古訣格局彙註紫微 天府 天相 天梁 天同 天機 太陽 太陰 太陽太陰拱照 文昌 文曲 文昌文曲 武曲 貪狼 廉貞 巨門 七殺 破軍 擎羊 陀羅 火星 鈴星 魁鉞 輔弼 祿存 天馬 科權祿 劫空 傷使 命宮 身宮 納音 財帛 財宅 財福卷四、諸星入命限十二宮斷訣篇引言一、命宮與二限紫微星 天機星 太陽星 武曲星 天同星 廉貞星 天府星 太陰星 貪狼星 巨門星 天相篇 天梁篇 七殺篇 破軍篇 文昌星 文曲星 左輔星 右弼星 祿存星 魁鉞星 擎羊星 陀羅星 火星 鈴星 地劫星 天空星 傷•使 天馬星 四化星 化祿星 化權星 化科星 化忌星 太歲星二兄弟宮、三夫妻宮、四子女宮、五財帛宮、六疾厄宮、的遷移宮、八奴僕宮、九官祿宮、十田宅宮、十一福德宮、十二父母宮
The author of this book has devoted more than 20 years to tirelessly studying and governing the destiny of Ziwei Doushu. He has compiled a series of works, including Rongyi Jing, Xingzong, Heluo Li Shu, and Ziping, to write “Ziwei Essays”; Where there are four parts; Yuanji “Doushu Mingdeng”, Hengji “New Interpretation of Doushu Ancient Prose”, Liji “Doushu Dismantling”, Zhenji “Doushu Batch Life Practice”; The two episodes of Yuan Heng elucidate the correct basic concepts of Ziwei Doushu, while the two episodes of Li Zhen disclose the correct deduction methods of Ziwei Doushu. The content is rich and substantial, with innovative and outstanding insights.

Doushu Mingdeng “is written by the author based on the psychological journey of past people: it has thoughts and debates on the suspense of Doushu; There is a clear interpretation of the Star Sentiment, the Star Palace Imagery and the Broken Formula, the Four Transformations Star Broken Formula. When you are still lost after reading numerous books and visiting famous masters, reading ‘Ziwei Essays’ can bring you a sense of fulfillment and joy. The author of this book has a consistent style of writing the Five Arts works, which is’ devoutly discussing numerology and openly revealing the secrets of the heavens’. From this book, you can appreciate the author’s teaching spirit of obedience and selflessness, and gain learning results. The preface (Ziwei Essay) is one of my five art works in the category of numerology; The first work that belongs to the theory of numerology; Divided into four episodes: Meta Set (Doushu Mingdeng); Hengji (New Explanation of Doushu Ancient Prose); Li Ji (Dou Shu De Zhao); Zhenji (Doushu Batch Life Practice). The two episodes of Yuan and Heng mainly focus on exploring and elucidating the principles of Doushu, while the two episodes of Li and Zhen mainly focus on the application and practice of Doushu. The time I started writing was in 1969, when the renowned figure of numbers expert Hui Xinzhai was writing a column titled “Zi Wei Dou Shu and Life” under the pen name “Fu Lu” in the Comprehensive Life Edition of Taiwan Daily. Currently, I still keep the first to fifty-three newspaper clippings. The person from Feiyun Mountain was writing a column titled “Face and Life”, and I have been publishing essays, new poems in the supplement of the newspaper for a long time since 1968 Reported literature (collected by (Taiwan’s literary talent and mud fragrance), published by Wuling Publishing Co., Ltd. in November 1992), and written under the pen name of “Zhushan Ren” in the Comprehensive Life Edition, or under the real name of “Eight Character Study of Ancient and Modern Celebrities” (collected by Wuling Publishing Co., Ltd. in November 1991), as well as other works related to feng shui and numerology. For more than 20 years, writing has been stagnant, and it’s not smooth. Why? Because I found that the theoretical system of Ziwei Doushu itself is not complete, and the architecture is also unstable, full of many contradictions and contradictions, and there are too many confusing problems. So when thinking and experiment hit the rocks and got stuck in the bottleneck, I turned to (I Ching), (Zhang Guoxing Zong), (He Luo Li Shu), (Tie Ban Shen Shu), ancient astronomy, modern astronomy, calendar, Zi Ping’s life science, (Huangji Jingshi) and other aspects to explore, hoping to find the key to opening the treasure house of numbers. At the same time, we vigorously search for ancient collections and secret books, refer to the works of recent sages, and easily take notes whenever you have any insights. During this difficult state of mind, can we clear it? Wang Guowei’s “three realms” of learning and doing things, as described in human language, are as follows: – Last night, the west wind withered the green trees, climbed the tall buildings alone, and looked at the ends of the earth. (Pan Pan Lan) – The belt gradually widens and never regrets, leaving people haggard and emaciated. (Specializing) – After searching for him thousands of times in the crowd, I turned around and saw that the person was in the dim light. The original idea was to use the style of Ming and Qing Dynasty notes and essays to express a “relaxed” expression, laughing, cursing, and joking, which was not exclusive. But my friend, Brother Chen Qiquan from the Wushu Wonder Xuanyi Garden, said, “If you want to write, write constructive.” This changed my original intention, and I reorganized all the information to eliminate the waste and retain the essence, becoming the current appearance. After resigning from my teaching job at Provincial Zhushan High School for fifteen years in the middle of spring in 1989, I did not play with things, nor did I work for form and spirit. Instead, I lived a leisurely life as described by Cai Gentan: “Wandering among mountains, forests, springs, and stones, my dust gradually subsided; the barbarians remained like objects of poetry, books, and pictures, but their vulgarity dissipated.” After my mind and body were clear and liberated, I was able to think deeply; Without the hustle and bustle of pollution, one can see things more clearly; Being close to Lin Quan flowers, plants, and family and friends often leads to a calmer and more gentle temperament. For academic pursuits and works, these more than four years can be said to be a situation of ‘good luck and bad luck, nothing but good fortune’. At the beginning, many people held me back and regretted me, but I still resolutely waved to the education industry and devoted myself to the path of professional painters and writers without any regrets. In my current feelings, I think: the decision I made at the beginning is infallible. All the situations you encountered during the process of studying Doushu; I have mostly encountered it before, because I have also been an outsider who wants to knock without a door; I used to be a confused and foggy reader facing a group of books; He used to be a pawn searching for famous masters and experts everywhere; Like you, I once believed or didn’t believe that there were skilled figures in martial arts at the small grocery store in Taichung, and even the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to southern Taiwan, disguised as playing with people at steamed bun stalls and fresh flower shops Wait for ‘myths’; I have envied, but I have never envied: a certain family has a “recluse teacher” who drinks coffee and tea with him to preach, teach, and dispel doubts. The mentor of a certain family is already old and emphasizes that she will only be accepted as a disciple in this lifetime; I also had a delusion: find a good dragon cave with excellent feng shui, respectfully fall and sit down, pray for the descent of the heavenly god, infuse a little spiritual light, and be able to suddenly understand the mystery of Doushu. As long as it is a shortcut to reduce learning difficulties, you and I have all heard of it, thought of it, dreamed of it, tried it, and have also been disappointed and hopeless. I want to tell you, in my capacity as a newcomer and with a little more experience than you, not to believe in lies and myths, not to be obsessed, not to delude, “McGonagall is so foolish! Let’s seek more blessings for ourselves! Whenever I bite a book but cannot break it, I always think of the childhood story of Zhang Zhidong (1837-1909), a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty: Zhang Zhidong’s father, Zhang Ying, was appointed as a county official due to his remote location in central Guizhou, and it was not easy to collect books. Once, he tried his best to earn his salary and bought dozens of cabinets of books to put in the children’s study rooms, allowing them to browse freely outside of their regular homework every day. Most of the books I bought back were historical books, modern scripture books, and Zhu Zi’s books. Someone laughed at Zhang Ying and said, “Can children understand these books?” But Zhang Ying replied, “Now let them flip through them. It doesn’t matter if they don’t understand. If they read too much, they will naturally understand in the future.” Choose a good book, flip through it multiple times, and stay away from reversing dreams! Only in this way can we achieve the state of ‘Prajna Paramita’ (reaching the other shore of wisdom) and enter the realm of ‘Ultimate Nirvana’ (achieving positive results). Every great painter, calligrapher, sportsman, musician They all go through the training stage of basic skills, and the more solid the basic skills are, the greater their future achievements will be. I teach students painting, calligraphy, kanyu, and numerology, and have always attached great importance to the stage of foundation. Therefore, in this book (Ziwei Essays), I will first introduce the Yuanji (Doushu Mingdeng) and Hengji (Doushu Ancient Prose New Explanation), which can help learners establish a solid foundation. Next, we will launch a public collection of fortune telling tips from various Doushu sects (Doushu Dismantling). Finally, the Zhenji (Dou Shu Pai Ming Practice) was launched to demonstrate the limited flow year of Dou Shu Pai Ming. The writing style that I have always adhered to is “devoutly discussing fate and openly revealing the secrets of the heavens”. If readers can read my clumsy works in sequence, persevere with diligence and perseverance, they will definitely have substantial gains. Friend Chen Qiquan said in the back of his masterpiece (Purple Micro Mystery), “When a master reads this book, he will burst into laughter.” He said, “If you don’t know the number of moves in the Xuanyi Garden, then you will have them. If you can’t make a move like that, what great skills do you think you have?” A great master would also sneer and say, “It’s not worth considering, I am the truly invincible in the world.” Don’t be complacent too early. Anyone who wastes their life’s energy will have limited gains. A good move, as long as it goes smoothly, Don’t say too much. As the Tao Te Ching goes: (For the sake of increasing learning, for the sake of the loss of the Tao.) Although the theory of destiny is a minor path and has a wide range of scholars, there are not many who can practice the Tao. It is necessary to go from simplicity to complexity, and then from complexity to simplicity. I study knowledge without resorting to unorthodox methods. With a fair stance and objective conditions, I use reasoning to infer it, with substance in words and emphasis on factual evidence. As long as you understand and prove everything, grasp the essentials, lay a solid foundation, and gradually progress, there will be a day of achievement. Nowadays, in my Zhushan Buddha Heart Cuiying Study, I have shown the moves of Purple Micro Doushu, with a mentality similar to that of Brother Qiquan. I do not expect recognition from experts or masters, but rather provide readers with the possibility and diversity of Doushu principles under the principle of not playing fancy or deviating from tradition; I hope that readers can expand their horizons and spiritual fields, change their thinking methods and research directions as a result: this is what I hope for. As for personal reputation, I don’t take it to heart. In the past decade, thanks to the cultivation and irrigation of the wise, this garden has presented a bustling scene of blooming flowers. However, it is also worrying: when it comes to the flowering of the camellias – after the fragrant fragrance, who will sweep the red earth! Reading – especially reading books on kanyu, numerology, and other technical subjects – if one does not choose, one has no independent opinion on knowledge. Although learning must go through a comprehensive process and one should understand all kinds of things, it does not mean that one should accept everything according to the order; All knowledge must undergo wise observation and criticism before it can determine which concepts and rules have true value and accuracy? Worth our adoption; What concepts and rules are dross? It should be discarded. By choosing correctly and through it, one can open the gates of the Five Arts Palace, delve deeper into the grandeur, and gain a glimpse of the beauty of the ancestral temple and the wealth of various officials; Choosing the wrong path, being misled by it, either leads to a dead end or a wrong path, self defeating and self isolating, wasting energy, and wasting time. In the early Qing Dynasty, Lin Zhihan, an elderly man from Tiaoxi, wrote in his preface (Four Diagnosis Decision Micro): “A man who attains Tai Hua is not a tool for economic victory, and cannot climb to the top. The Han people crossing the river are not used for transportation and cannot reach their source. It is because Shi Kuang never abandons the rules and regulations for pleasure, and it is difficult for ordinary people to give up the rope and ink to become tools. A master craftsman also needs to borrow money from things to become skilled and skilled. How can a person abandon rules to become a square and round person? To learn numerology, one must have correct concepts and rules as the foundation – just like climbing high mountains requires sufficient physical strength; Crossing a large river requires sturdy boats and experienced helmsmen. The foundation is the mother of creation. Even Shi Kuang, a great musician from the Jin Dynasty during the Spring and Autumn Period, had to be based on the five notes of Lu and Lu in order to create beautiful music; In the Spring and Autumn period, the great craftsmen of the state of Lu had to rely on the rules of rope and ink to create exquisite architecture and artworks, just like public losers; Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners must be based on observation, listening, questioning, and cutting in order to predict fate and guide the way for people. Tang and Wei Zheng (admonishing Emperor Taizong’s Ten Thoughts) said, “Those who seek the growth of trees must strengthen their roots; those who want to flow far must dredge their springs; The source is deep, and the square becomes vast and vast. How many mistakes can be made in the process of studying knowledge in life? How much time can we waste? How many mistakes can be saved? How many mistakes are irreparable? In the late modern era, which is about to enter the 21st century and has undergone rapid changes in social structural patterns; For modern people who have gone through the vicissitudes of life, repeated attempts to make mistakes and wasted time are undoubtedly a form of suffocation of life! Childhood falls are nothing. Parents and teachers will support you and encourage you to get up: just pat it and be careful before walking. Who else will support and encourage you when you fall in adulthood? Even if there is, will you accept it? Can you listen in? People who can run and jump do not believe that they cannot walk, and adults do not believe that their judgments will be wrong. How many of the adults we see in our eyes are ignorant and ignorant? Children will only fall on flat ground when walking, while adults may fall from high mountains and cliffs due to their strong foot strength. The child fell and was injured, it’s just a skin and flesh injury, and it will soon heal. Adults’ footfalls can harm bones and organs, endangering life. It takes a lot of energy and time to get up or recover, and there is even no chance of it ever happening. A tangible fall can cause pain, knowing that one has made a mistake. The invisible abyss, where children dare not explore, but adults unconsciously walk in and out of confidence. When they realize that it is a dark abyss, they want to turn back and already wave their heads and teeth: life does not give them too many opportunities! Life is short, there are many paths in the world, and learning is boundless. When I unfolded the revelations of the Little Window Youji, the above narratives deeply touched me and reminded me of the past experience of studying numerology: I fell, no one supported or encouraged me, only I repeatedly tried to find the wrong way, break through the bottleneck, cut through the thorns, my hands and feet were bruised, until one day when the clouds showed the sun – I had already entered the age of baldness and hair loss from a young man who did not know the taste of worry. Remembering how many people I don’t know are on the path of confusion and confusion that I have experienced before? Can they, like me, be lucky enough to come out in time? Perhaps I should lend a helping hand and strike a match in the dark abyss, lighting a bright lamp for them. I have come into contact with at least two hundred doushu books, as well as out of print, unpublished ancient and secret editions, among the catalog shops. However, there are very few who truly satisfy me. In ancient times, it was not Lu Yu Hai Ru, and the purpose was obscure; This is not a tradition that cannot be transformed, and it is absurd and absurd. There are really few doushu books that have both broad meaning, clear vocabulary, and the correct interpretation of modernity. Therefore, I often hear readers’ helpless and helpless voices. Falling and falling can bring physical and mental pain. When reading the wrong book, the pain in the heart is sometimes even greater than the pain of falling and falling. Some authors and readers only focus on looking at the distance, ignoring their feet, and even blinding their own hearts; Just looking at the distance without looking at your feet is like aiming too high, flashy and unrealistic, fleeting at a glance. Being deceived in the heart is self deception – sometimes the direction of the feet is not the direction of the mind; The heart can deceive people, even if it doesn’t understand self deception, it can also deceive people. Choosing the wrong book or writing the wrong book is a mental delusion. When I wrote this book, I remembered Wang Yangming’s (Biography and Practice Record) saying: To learn shooting, one must use a bow and arrow to fill the middle. To learn a book, one must stretch out a piece of paper and write, and engage in writing. The purpose of a scholarly and speculative book is to practice diligently, and the style of “devoutly discussing fate and openly revealing the secrets of the heavens”. I have solved the confusion I have encountered, compiled the essence of the notes I have read and thought about, and provided them to readers who are lost and confused. (The Revelation of Xiaochuangyu Ji) says, “The sun and moon remain unchanged throughout history, always giving light to the world. The state of mind of sages is also the same, so that people can abandon darkness and walk in light, so that the world can always be happy without sorrow. Words may express poverty, and thoughts may be difficult to express. However, this heart is as clear as the sun and moon, and the path is not dangerous, always thinking about people’s happiness.” I am not a saint, but my heart is branded with the saying of the Sixth Patriarch Huineng: Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror has no platform; Buddha’s nature is always pure, where is there dust? The heart is a Bodhi tree, and the body is a mirror platform; The mirror is originally pure, where is it stained with dust? I only hope to reach the realm of open-mindedness and hope to see the world after the storms, presenting a refreshing and bright harmony. This is just the first bright light. I hope that myself and Doushu Advanced can continue to light the second, third, and even endless bright lights to illuminate the dark world. Thank you to the master of calligraphy and painting, Brother Li Humo, for providing calligraphy and calligraphy for the cover of this book. Brother Chen Qiquan, a genius in the Five Arts Realms, provided information and encouragement, and his disciples, Zhang Jianmin and Chen Yangcheng, assisted in organizing and proofreading the manuscript; I would like to express my gratitude to all the talented figures who have referenced and cited his masterpieces in this book. Volume 1, New Explanation of Xingqing, New Explanation of Xingyuan Theory, New Explanation of Xingxing Fu, New Explanation of Xingyuan Q&A Theory, New Explanation of Ziwei Chapter, Tianji Chapter, Sun Chapter, Wuqu Chapter, Tiantong Chapter, Lianzhen Chapter, Tianfu Chapter, Taiyin Chapter, Greedy Wolf Chapter, Jumen Chapter, Tianxiang Chapter, Tianliang Chapter, Qisha Chapter, Breaking Army Chapter, Wenchang • Wenqu Chapter, Zuofu • Youbi Chapter, Tiankui • Tianyue Chapter, Lucun Chapter, Tianma Chapter, Sihua Chapter, Qingyang • Dala Chapter Mars • Lingxing Chapter, Sky • Earthly Robbery Chapter, Heavenly Injury • Angel Chapter, Heavenly Punishment Chapter, Heavenly Yao Chapter, Heavenly Cry • Heavenly Xu Chapter Volume 2, New Annotations for Fu Wen Chapter “Doushu Guide” New Annotations for Doushu Criterion Theory, “Doushu Sufficient Rate” New Annotations for “Fawei Theory” New Annotations for “Taiwei Fu Overview” New Annotations for “Taiwei Fu”, “Supplementary Taiwei Fu” New Annotations for “Doushu Bone Marrow Fu” New Annotations for “Women’s Life Bone Marrow Fu”

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