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另一支说是明末清初江西龙虎山天师府修士潘真人,道号元圭所发明.二传山东道人孟教,三传济南冯希阳道号和玉,四传河北贾云鹤字飞仙,五传其表弟刘九如字文石,六传李雨三,七传姜容樵.其传剑法共六趟,第 一二三四趟各有六十一剑,第五六趟各六十剑,合共三百六十四剑.其用法有二十一字:劈,砍,扫,撩,剌,硼,绞,云,挂,剪,挑,错,点,抛,拨,摸,冲,截,戳,削,攒.亦只称青萍剑.
据说由四传扬棣园及五传贾云鹤所作之手抄本青萍剑谱(1856年)剑分六趟,剑势名称175个,但实际动作多于名称,此谱至今尚存.後因贾云鹤发现其师扬棣园又将剑授于杨云桥,所以改编青萍剑由动作名称175个增至365个,从此出现了贾氏青萍剑.杨云桥传杨紫恒,再传袁希振.约1930Qingping Sword is one of the ancient sword techniques and has always been cherished by the martial arts industry. According to Mr. Li Deyu, a senior instructor in capture and combat at the China Criminal Police Academy, “Qingping” was originally the name of an ancient sword. Chen Lin of the Eastern Han Dynasty wrote in her poem “Answering the Donga King’s Sign”: “The monarch and marquis possess the talent of the world, and possess the aura of a green duckweed and a capable general. Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty also wrote in his book “The Book of Han Jingzhou” that “Shu Qingping, Jie Lv, long valued at the gates of Xue and Bian”. The “Qingping” mentioned in the article is a sword that is extremely sharp and can cut gold and jade in ancient legends. The Qingping Sword Technique is named after this, taking its meaning of invincibility.

During the Han Dynasty, there was already the name Qingping Sword, which means that every weapon must have its own method. Therefore, it is said that Qingping Sword is a sword technique with a long history. Its characteristics lie in its short sword path, no fancy dance movements, numerous but precise moves, and very little emphasis. There are currently multiple branches, including Yuan’s Qingping Sword, Yang’s Qingping Sword, and Jia’s Qingping Sword. The details are as follows:

One said that the Qingping Sword was passed down by the Pan Taoist Yuan Gui, followed by the second pass of Meng Jiaohua, the third pass of Feng Xiyang, the fourth pass of Jia Yunhe, the fifth pass of Liu Jiuru, the sixth pass of Mi Lianke, and the seventh pass of Guo Xisan and Lv Guanghua. Its sword technique consists of six passes, totaling 360 swords. It is said to have twenty-four characters – Jian, stab, chop, lift, pick, throw, block, boron, hang, touch, mistake, roll, point, cloud, fill, charge, twist, bundle, support, lift, Diao, swing, stroke. It is only called the Qingping Sword

Another theory originated in the early years of the Song Dynasty and was passed down to Yang Xiaosan, the magistrate of Jimo County, Shandong Province, during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. It was passed down to his son Yang Diyuan, passed down to Yang taboo, passed down to Sun Wenbo, passed down to Wang Qingzhai, passed down to Emperor Puyi of the late Qing Dynasty, passed down to the present-day Li Deyu, and even Jin Shan and Huo Ruiting. It is also known only as the Qingping Sword

Another theory originated from Pan Jian, a Taoist at the Heavenly Master’s Mansion in Longhushan, Jiangxi during the Song Dynasty. It has been passed down to Li Shuting, who has lived for nine generations and has also had six Qingping swords, also known as Qingping swords

The other theory originates from Pan Xuangui, the old master of the Heavenly Master’s Mansion in Longhu Mountain, Jiangxi. He passed on the second generation of Meng Jiaohua, the third generation of Feng Xitang, the fourth generation of Yang Di Yuan, the fifth generation of Jia Yunhe, Yang Yunqiao, and Liu Feixian. He passed on the sixth generation of Li Shuting, the seventh generation of his son Li Zhiyun, and the eighth generation of his son Li Junde. He is also known only as the Qingping Sword

The other one is said to be Pan Zhenren, a cultivator of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, Jiangxi Province in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, who was invented under the Taoist name Yuan Gui. He passed on the teachings of the Shandong Taoist named Meng, the Jinan Taoist name Feng Xiyang, and the jade, the Hebei Jia Yunhe, the flying immortal, the Hebei cousin Liu Jiuru, the writing stone, the sixth Li Yusan, and the seventh Jiang Rongqiao. He passed on his swordsmanship six times, with the first, second, third, and fourth times having 61 swords each, and the fifth and sixth times having 60 swords each, totaling 364 swords. His usage includes 21 words: chop, chop, sweep, lift, stab, etc, Boron, twist, cloud, hang, cut, pick, mistake, point, throw, pluck, touch, charge, cut, poke, cut, save. Also known only as Qingping Sword

The other one is said to have been passed down from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties by the Taoist name Yuan Gui, the old master of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhushan, Jiangxi. He passed on the teachings of Meng Jiaohua, Feng Xitang, Jia Yunhe, his younger brother Jia Lingquan and his cousin Liu Wenshi, his younger brother Jia Yaoting and Ma Yunqiao. He passed on the seven generations of his younger brother Jia Bosheng, and his sword technique was also passed down six times but counted 373 swords. The sword technique consists of 36 characters: strike, grid, stab, meter, chop, wipe, chop, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, and pull. Pull, sweep, chop, Duel, pounce, plunder, stab, drag, hook, chop, lift, stir, drill, charge, boundary, point, lure, lure, support, skim, twist, tease, roll, cloud. It is called Jia’s Qingping Sword

It is said that the handwritten copy of the Qingping Sword Manual (1856), written by the fourth generation Yang Di Yuan and the fifth generation Jia Yunhe, is divided into six stages, with 175 sword form names. However, the actual movements are more than the names, and this manual still exists today. Later, when Jia Yunhe discovered that his teacher Yang Di Yuan awarded the sword to Yang Yunqiao, he adapted the Qingping Sword from 175 action names to 365, resulting in the emergence of the Jia family’s Qingping Sword. Yang Yunqiao passed it on to Yang Ziheng, and then to Yuan Xizhen. About 1930

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 124P 《青萍剑》李书亭

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