Military军武 Record记录 281P 别告诉我你懂军事(冷兵器篇)
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Don’t Tell Me You Understand Military (Cold Weapon Chapter) “is a book published by Tsinghua University Press in 2019, and the author is the editorial board of” Deep Military “. Don’t Tell Me You Understand Military (Cold Weapon Chapter) “uses a question and answer format to explain the relevant knowledge of cold weapons. The book carefully collects over a hundred popular questions that readers are paying attention to, covering the history of cold weapons, types of cold weapons, cold weapon warfare, cold weapon design, cold weapon combat, cold weapon use, and other aspects. Each question is answered professionally, accurately, and meticulously. In order to help readers understand complex military knowledge and enhance the fun and appreciation of the book, the book is also equipped with rich and exquisite schematic and appreciation diagrams, as well as vivid and interesting small knowledge.

Military军武 Record记录 281P 别告诉我你懂军事(冷兵器篇)

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