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Yusi “was founded in 1924, initiated by Lu Xun and others, and edited by the New Trend Society of Peking University. It was published weekly by Beixin Book Company, with a total of 260 issues. The first issue was issued on November 17, 1924. The first to 156th issues from November 17, 1924 to October 22, 1927 were edited by Zhou Zuoren. From October 1924 to 154 issues, the magazine was seized by the Fengshi warlords and relocated from Beijing to Shanghai. It was later edited and published by Shanghai Yusi Society. Starting from December 17, 1924, the first issue of the fourth volume was edited by Lu Xun, and ending on January 7, 1929, the 52nd issue. Later, the 1-26 issues of the fifth volume were edited by Roushi, and the 27-52 issues were edited by Li Xiaofeng. After the 52nd issue was published on March 10, 1930, the publication ceased.

The publication advocates free thinking, independent judgment, and a harmonious life, introduces and studies literary creation and artistic ideas, publishes academic works, mainly publishes essays and essays, as well as novels, poetry, and academic papers, As stated in the speech, “The text in the weekly magazine is mostly based on brief reflections and criticism, but it also incorporates literary and artistic creation, as well as introduction and research on literature, art, and general ideas. When receiving assistance from scholars, important academic papers should also be published.” The magazine published a large number of essays and essays by Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren, and Lu Xun’s “Wild Grass” was also published in the magazine. The magazine also publishes Gu Jiegang’s paper on suspicious ancient historiography. Although the ideas and artistic propositions of colleagues in Yusi Society are not entirely consistent, their articles share a common style: eliminating the old and promoting the new, indulging in discussions, discussing both ancient and modern, being solemn and harmonious, concise and lively, and not limited to one style, thus forming the “Yusi Style”.

Culture文化 Magazine杂志 8P 语丝·1925年第14期

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