Art艺术 Jade玉石 118P 巴伐利亚公爵夫人安娜宝石书
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Kleinodienbuch der Herzogin Anna von Bayern.巴伐利亚公爵夫人安娜宝石书.1552

阿尔布雷希特五世(Albert V, Duke of Bavaria 1528-1579)是巴伐利亚公爵威廉四世与玛丽亚·巴登的儿子,曾在英戈尔斯塔特接受虔诚的天主教教育。阿尔布雷希特是一位伟大的艺术赞助人和收藏家,为慕尼黑带来艺术之城的声誉;他以私人藏书创立了皇家图书馆(现巴伐利亚州立图书馆);在慕尼黑王宫建立了文物宝库,保存他大量的古希腊古罗马时期的绘画和硬币收藏。但奢侈嗜好令其背负了150万荷兰盾的巨额债务。1552年公爵请慕尼黑宫廷画家 Hans Mielich(1516-1573)为他与安娜的珠宝收藏作画,到1555年画家总共绘制了110幅绝美珠宝画像。这些手稿在公爵私人和选举文物商会保存了近三个世纪,其描绘的珠宝本身早已遗失。1843年路德维格国王一世将手稿拿出,现保存在巴伐利亚州立图书馆。
Albert V (Duke of Bavaria 1528-1579) was the son of William IV, Duke of Bavaria, and Maria Baden, Duke of Bavaria. He received religious Catholic education in Ingolstadt. Albrecht is a great art patron and collector, bringing Munich the reputation of a city of art; He founded the Royal Library (now the Bavarian State Library) with private collections; A treasure house of cultural relics was built in the Munich Palace, where he kept a large collection of paintings and coins from ancient Greece and Rome. But his extravagance made him bear a huge debt of 1.5 million Dutch guilders. In 1552, the Duke invited the Munich court painter Hans Mielich (1516-1573) to paint his and Anna’s jewelry collection. By 1555, the painter had painted a total of 110 beautiful jewelry portraits. These manuscripts have been preserved for nearly three centuries in the Duke’s private life and in the Election Antiquities Chamber of Commerce, and the jewels they depict have long been lost. In 1843, King Ludwig I took out the manuscript, which is now stored in the Bavarian State Library.

Art艺术 Jade玉石 118P 巴伐利亚公爵夫人安娜宝石书


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