Event事件 History历史 149P 皇清职贡图七卷.清.傅恒等撰.乾隆内府刻本
►   站内排名:No.11286   ◄

The Painting of Tribute to the Emperors of the Qing Dynasty is a national history book compiled by Fu Heng, Dong Gao and other officials in the Qianlong Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty recorded the history of overseas countries and domestic nationalities. Seven volumes were completed from 1751 to 22nd of the reign of Emperor Qianlong, and they were continued into one volume in the 28th year. The first volume was composed of nine volumes, compiled by Fu Heng and Dong Gao of the Qing Dynasty, and painted by Men Qing’an. The whole book is arranged according to the region, and is rolled into a foreign region, such as Korea, Ryukyu, Annan, English, France and other regions; Volume II covers Tibet, Ili and Kazak regions; Volume III covers Kanto, Fujian, Hunan and Taiwan; Volume IV covers Guangdong and Guangxi; Volume V covers Gansu Province; Volume VI covers the Sichuan region; Volume VII is about Yunnan; Volume VIII is about Guizhou; Volume 9 is a drawing that was added after the 28th year of Qianlong (1763). It was also added in the 10th year of Jiaqing (1805). At the end of volume 9, five pictures were added, namely, “Vietnamese Yiguan”, “Vietnamese Yifu”, “Vietnamese Pedestrian”, “Vietnamese Yiren” and “Vietnamese Yifu”. A total of 300 images of people from different nationalities and regions have been drawn. Each image depicts two men and two women, a total of about 600. After each painting, there are text descriptions, which are easy to understand and briefly introduce the relationship between this nation and the Qing Dynasty, as well as the local customs. In the 16th year of Qianlong’s reign (1751), the Emperor Qianlong ordered the governors and governors of various regions to depict the dress and appearance of different nationalities within their jurisdiction and the nationalities of countries that had dealings with the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the painted images mainly describe the shape and pay attention to the expression of the characters. And the records in the book are all seen by the author himself, so they are authentic works of wind and land theory. Fu Heng, with the name of Chunhe and the surname of Fucha, is a man with yellow flags and the younger brother of Empress Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty. His birth date is unknown and he died in the thirty-fifth year of Qianlong (1770). During the Qianlong period, Fu Heng served successively as the secretary of the Ministry of Household, the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the great bachelor of the Baohe Hall and the minister of military aircraft, and the crown prince. He commanded the Great Jinchuan War, participated in the planning of the war to pacify the Junggar Ministry, and was awarded the first class public office. Therefore, he served as the president of the “Qinding Strategy to pacify Junggar”. He was ordered to imitate the seal characters of Chinese characters to make Manchu seal characters, a total of 32 characters, and wrote the Imperial Shengjing Fu in Manchu seal characters as a standard sample of Manchu seal characters. In addition, he has also edited a variety of important dictionary reference books, such as the historical geography dictionary “Western Regions Tongwen Zhi”, which is a combination of multi-ethnic characters, the large-scale classification of Manchu and Han dictionaries “Imperial Supplement to Qing Wenjian”, and the Manchu and Han combination of “Imperial Approval of the Chronicles”, which shows that Fu Heng has made significant contributions to the translation of Manchu and Chinese. Dong Gao, who was born in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province, was born in the fifth year of Qianlong (1740) and died in the 23rd year of Jiaqing (1818). In the year of Qianlong, he became a scholar and graduated to a bachelor’s degree in the cabinet. He served as the vice president of Sikuguan. Good at painting. There are books such as “The Origin of Manchuria” and “The Records of Gaozong”. Men Qing’an, whose birth and death are unknown, supervises the birth.

Event事件 History历史 149P 皇清职贡图七卷.清.傅恒等撰.乾隆内府刻本

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