►   站内排名:No.11796   ◄

Lu Xinyuan (1838-1894) was named Gangfu, Gangfu, Cunzhai and Qianyuan Old Man. Gui’an (now Huzhou, Zhejiang). One of the four great book collectors in the late Qing Dynasty. The 20 volumes of “Illustration of Ancient Bricks in the Millennium Summit Pavilion” contain more than 1000 square meters of ancient bricks from the Han, Wei, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties, all from ancient tombs in Wucheng, Wukang and Changxing counties of Huzhou, and are specially built to store the Millennium Summit Pavilion. Brick inscriptions and rubbings have unique patterns and strange handwriting, and many ancient era, geography, official system, surnames and other materials are preserved. Lu Xinyuan’s annotations and textual research materials are beside each brick. This is a lithographic version of the 17th year of Guangxu.

Art艺术 Sculpture雕塑 101P 千甓亭古砖图释之三

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