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The People’s Pictorial is a national pictorial of China. It was first published in Handan, Hebei Province, on August 1, 1946, and was edited and published by the People’s Pictorial Office of the Political Department of the Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan Military Region. In May 1948, the Shanxi Chaji Pictorial was merged with the People’s Pictorial to produce the North China Pictorial. In July 1950, the People’s Pictorial was reborn at No. 22, Shibei Hutong A, Fuqian Street, Beijing. It is the first comprehensive photographic pictorial to face the world published in New China.
Many leaders of the People’s Pictorial wrote inscriptions for the newspaper. In June 1950, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote the title of the People’s Pictorial. The current address is 33 Chegongzhuang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing. In 1963, the total print volume of People’s Pictorial exceeded 500000; In 1972, the total number of periodicals printed exceeded 1 million, creating the largest number of periodicals in the history of China.
In March 2018, it won the honor of the third National Top 100 Newspapers and Periodicals.

Culture文化 Magazine杂志 27P 人民画报196005


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