Creation万物 Plant植物 395P 中国本草彩色图鉴 (上) (钱信忠)
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《中国本草彩色图鉴(上卷)》是1996 年人民卫生出版社 出版的图书,作者是钱信忠 。中国医药学具有悠久的历史,早在3000年前,从商代的甲骨文中,就有了医药治疗疾病的记载。中医中药在长期的医药实践中,得到充实和发展,形成了自身完整独特的理论体系,为中国人民的保健事业和中华民族的繁荣昌盛作出了巨大的贡献。中国第一本记载药物的专著,是东汉中期(约公元1世纪)的《神农本草经》,收载药物365种。唐代《新修本草》(公元659年)收载药物844种。宋代《证类本草》(公元1086年)收载药物1558种。明代《本草纲目》(公元1596年)收载药物1892种。清代《本草纲目拾遗》(公元1765年)收载药物720种。这些古籍在国内外享有很高的评价。建国以来,为了继承和发扬祖国医药学宝贵遗产,全国医药工作者积极从事传统医药的研究和整理,在此基础上,陆续编写出版了《药材学》、《中药志》、《全国中草药汇编》、《中国药典》等专著,受到国内外药学家的重视。近年来,全国组织开展了药物资源普查工作,为发掘新药和全面整理传统医药工作提供了扎实的基础。为全面反映我国当代传统医药的研究成果,特组织全国著名的中药学专家、传统医药学专家和专业绘画家共同合作,编绘了《中国本草彩色图鉴》一书。
Color Atlas of Chinese Materia Medica (Volume I) is a book published by the People’s Health Publishing House in 1996. The author is Qian Xinzhong. Chinese medicine has a long history. As early as 3000 years ago, there were records of medical treatment of diseases from the oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty. Chinese medicine has been enriched and developed in the long-term medical practice, forming its own complete and unique theoretical system, and making great contributions to the health care of the Chinese people and the prosperity of the Chinese nation. The first monograph recording drugs in China was the Shen Nong’s Classic of Materia Medica in the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty (about the first century AD), which contained 365 kinds of drugs. New Materia Medica (659 AD) of the Tang Dynasty contained 844 kinds of drugs. There were 1558 kinds of drugs in Zheng Lei Ben Cao (1086 AD) of the Song Dynasty. Compendium of Materia Medica of the Ming Dynasty (1596 AD) contained 1892 kinds of drugs. The Compendium of Materia Medica of the Qing Dynasty (1765 AD) contains 720 kinds of medicines. These ancient books enjoy high evaluation at home and abroad. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, in order to inherit and carry forward the precious heritage of the motherland’s medicine, medical workers all over the country have been actively engaged in the research and collation of traditional medicine. On this basis, they have successively compiled and published monographs such as “Materia Medica”, “Annals of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, “National Collection of Chinese Herbal Medicines”, and “Chinese Pharmacopoeia”, which have attracted the attention of domestic and foreign pharmacists. In recent years, the national organization has carried out a general survey of drug resources, which has provided a solid foundation for exploring new drugs and comprehensively sorting out traditional medicine. In order to comprehensively reflect the research achievements of contemporary traditional medicine in China, we specially organized famous experts in traditional Chinese medicine, traditional medicine experts and professional painters to work together to compile the book Color Atlas of Chinese Materia Medica.

Creation万物 Plant植物 395P 中国本草彩色图鉴 (上) (钱信忠)

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