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《 玲珑 》1931年3月在上海创刊,1937年停刊,共出版298期。该刊物编辑主要有周世勋、彭兆良、陈珍玲,华商三和公司出版部发行。原名《玲珑图画杂志》,后改名为《玲珑妇女杂志》,简称《玲珑》。周刊,属于妇女刊物。该刊是20世纪30年代上海流行的女性时尚杂志,它的流行程度按张爱玲在《谈女人》中的说法是:“一九三零年间的女学生人手一册《玲珑》杂志”。
Linglong was founded in Shanghai in March 1931 and ceased publication in 1937, with a total of 298 issues published. The editors of this publication mainly include Zhou Shixun, Peng Zhaoliang, Chen Zhenling, and the publishing department of Huashang Sanhe Company. Originally named “Linglong Picture Magazine”, it was later renamed “Linglong Women’s Magazine”, abbreviated as “Linglong”. Weekly is a women’s publication. This magazine was a popular women’s fashion magazine in Shanghai in the 1930s. According to Zhang Ailing’s statement in “Talking about Women,” its popularity was that “every female student in the 1930s had a copy of” Linglong “magazine.”.
The magazine mainly publishes articles on fashion and beauty, interior decoration, and popular psychology, as well as content on love, sex, and marriage, as well as some gossip news. There are also a large number of photos of local celebrities, domestic movie stars, and Hollywood celebrities. Most of the advertisements published in this magazine are for women’s daily necessities. Guide women in various aspects of marriage, social behavior, family life management, and physical health, and introduce the dressing and makeup techniques of Chinese and foreign movie stars.
This magazine is illustrated and contains a large number of photos and stills. The most distinctive feature of it is that it publishes photos of many domestic movie stars, such as Hu Die, Ruan Lingyu, Zhou Xuan, and others, in magazines, shaping the modern image of middle-class women in Shanghai.
The cover woman of the inaugural issue of Linglong is Zhou Shuheng, the daughter of Shanghai’s “stamp king” Zhou Jinjue. The magazine has published articles such as “Non Marriage Doctrine”, “Women’s Liberation and Children’s Public Education”, “Chinese Marriage Concept”, “About Beauty”, “Nail Decoration”, “Several Psychological Analysis of Men’s Insult of Women”, and so on. The founding of Linglong has gradually taught new women to pursue their own liberation, successfully shaping a new image of women and advocating a more positive outlook on life and values.
The main contributors include Yang Yizhu, Peng Zhaoliang, Zhu Yuming, Wang Ximing, Lu Shie, Xuan Mingzhen, Liao Jianmin, Xue Wei, Zhen Ling, etc.
Linglong aims to enhance women’s beautiful lives and promote noble social entertainment.

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