Culture文化 Kungfu武学 446P 《中国武术实用大全》康戈武
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《中国武术实用大全》,作者康戈武 ,1992年由今日中国出版社出版,本书包括中国武术概论,武术技法原理,武术教学与训练,拳种流派,古今兵械,武术实用功法,武术拳械基本技法,武术攻防基本技法和习武常识等九大部类,共1400多个篇目,700多幅图版,可称得上是一部简明中国武术百科全书。全书通俗精炼地介绍了习练武术的方法、诀窍。
以《中国武术实用大全》为书名,要求笔者以中国武术为写作对象,既要突出此书的系统性(大 [1] 全),又要突出此书的实效性(实用)。把“大全”作为此书的基础,把“实用”视为此书的重点。关于“大全”,虽然只是沿袭中国自古常把“大全”用作书名的传统,但也不能挂一漏万,总该尽可能地展示武术理论和技术体系的系统性。然而,中国武术历史源远流长,内容博大精深。别说一部书,就是十部书也难写“全”。所以,要想在一部书中,把武术知识尽收无遗是不可能的。鉴此,采用了“提纲挈领,分清类属”的方法。将欲纳入书中的内容,分为中国武术概论、武术技法原理、武术教学与训练、拳种流派、古今兵械、武术实用功法、武术攻防基本技术技法和习武常识九个部类。在各类属下内容中又将哪些具有一定共性特征的内容归为小类。例如,将内容庞杂的基本技术技法按运动部位和运动特征进行分类。徒手手法分别按照运动时手的形状、攻防含义、运动路线进行分类介绍。器械动作则按照器械的形制特点、握持方法和运转路线进行分类介绍。这样,借助武术各流派技法中存在的共性特征,就能帮助我们从宏观上把握武术的概貌,体现出此书“大全”的特色。又能以一条明一类,诱导读者举一反三,触类旁通。关于“实用”,并非仅仅指武术中的实用格斗技术。而是通指各种常用的武术理论、武术知识,以及各种具有实效性的武术功法、套路、格斗运动技术和锻炼方法。在这类写作中,注意了“抓住规律,找出要诀”。在对武术技法、教学法和训练法进行深入钻研的基础上,通过归纳普遍存在于同类技法中的共性,提炼出武术技法原理、武术教学与训练原则。在通过实践和参鉴文献的基础上,体悟出动作要领,采用中国人习惯的“口诀”化表述方式,归纳成技法字诀。为了提高这类要诀的实效性,采用了理论与实践互证的提炼要诀法。在写作过程中,对于每一个具体的动作技法,即便是我得心应手的熟炼动作,也要作几遍才提笔。写好后,又反过来用它去指导动作实践,看看两者是否相符。
The Practical Complete Book of Chinese martial arts, written by Kang Gewu, was published by Today’s China Press in 1992. This book includes nine major categories, including an introduction to Chinese martial arts, principles of martial arts techniques, martial arts teaching and training, boxing schools, ancient and modern weapons, practical martial arts skills, basic martial arts skills, basic martial arts techniques of attack and defense, and general knowledge of martial arts practice. It has more than 1400 chapters and more than 700 pictures. It can be called a concise encyclopedia of Chinese martial arts. The book provides a concise and concise introduction to the methods and tricks of practicing martial arts.

Taking Chinese martial arts Practical Complete Works as the title, the author is required to take Chinese martial arts as the writing object, highlighting both the systematicness (great [1] complete works) and the effectiveness (practicality) of the book. Take the “Complete Works” as the foundation of this book, and regard “practicality” as the focus of this book. Regarding ‘Daquan’, although it only follows the tradition of using ‘Daquan’ as a book title since ancient times in China, it should not be overlooked, and the systematic nature of martial arts theory and technical system should be demonstrated as much as possible. However, Chinese martial arts has a long history and profound content. Not to mention one book, even ten books are difficult to write “complete”. So, it is impossible to fully absorb martial arts knowledge in a book. In view of this, the method of “outlining and distinguishing categories and genera” was adopted. The content to be included in the book is divided into nine categories: introduction to Chinese martial arts, principles of martial arts techniques, martial arts teaching and training, boxing schools, ancient and modern weapons, practical martial arts techniques, basic techniques of attack and defense, and general knowledge of martial arts practice. Which content with certain common characteristics will be classified into sub categories among various sub categories. For example, categorize basic technical techniques with a wide range of content by moving parts and features. The unarmed techniques are classified and introduced according to the shape of the hand during movement, the meaning of attack and defense, and the movement route. The movements of the instruments are classified and introduced according to their shape characteristics, gripping methods, and operating routes. In this way, by utilizing the common characteristics of various martial arts genres and techniques, we can help us grasp the overview of martial arts from a macro perspective and reflect the characteristics of this book’s “complete collection”. It can also guide readers to draw inferences and draw analogies by clarifying one category after another. Regarding “practicality”, it does not simply refer to practical combat techniques in martial arts. It refers to various commonly used martial arts theories and knowledge, as well as various effective martial arts techniques, routines, Combat sport techniques and exercise methods. In this type of writing, attention is paid to “grasping the rules and finding the key”. On the basis of in-depth research on martial arts techniques, teaching methods, and training methods, the principles of martial arts techniques, martial arts teaching and training principles are extracted by summarizing the commonalities that commonly exist in similar techniques. On the basis of practice and reference to literature, I have come to understand the essentials of the movements, and have adopted the traditional Chinese way of expressing them in the form of “pithy formulas”, which have been summarized into technical formulas. In order to improve the effectiveness of such tips, a method of extracting tips through mutual verification of theory and practice was adopted. During the writing process, for each specific action technique, even if I am proficient in practicing it, I need to do it several times before I can write. After writing it, use it in turn to guide action practice and see if the two match.

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 446P 《中国武术实用大全》康戈武

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