Creation万物 Plant植物 46P 2造园与植物选择·世界园林植物与花卉百科全书
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DK World Encyclopedia of Garden Plants and Flowers (Latest Edition) is a highly internationally renowned reference book for garden plants. The revised version is more comprehensive, rich, authoritative, and practical. Unique plant categories: The eyebrow design of the “Plant Categories” section is novel, with clear titles and different color palettes to help readers quickly find the plants they are looking for; Plants arranged according to their shape, size, viewing season, and color, as well as exquisite color photos with great ornamental value, make the selection and rapid identification of plants easier. Even if you are not familiar with the scientific names and related knowledge of plants to search for, you can still easily obtain the information you want to know.

Correct Plant Selection: Whether you need a potted shrub or a climbing plant that thrives in acidic soil, you can find the answer in ‘Plant Selection’. The updated, more detailed, and wider coverage of ‘Plant Selection’ guides you in selecting ideal plants suitable for specific occasions and purposes. The list of plants that have won the Distinguished Award recommends and showcases all the ornamental plants that have won the Distinguished Award from the Royal Horticultural Society in the UK.

Convenient dictionary for reference: The “Plant Dictionary” collects over 8000 garden plants to choose from. It is not only an index of over 4000 plants in the “Plant Category” section, but also introduces more than 4000 recommended plants in this book, as well as suggestions from horticultural experts on the cultivation and reproduction of these plants. The newly added “warning symbol” clearly indicates which plants are toxic, and explains in detail which parts of the plants are toxic and what reactions may occur. All plant names included are reviewed one by one based on the new research results. For ease of reference, the dictionary is arranged alphabetically in English.

Excellent reference book: This book was first published in 1989 and has sold over 2 million copies globally over the past decade; The most authoritative historical information and practical expert guidance have made this book a highly authoritative encyclopedia of gardens, a treasure trove of creative inspiration for garden experts and enthusiasts.

Royal Horticultural Society: The Royal Horticultural Society of the United Kingdom is a charitable organization for gardens in the United Kingdom. It provides inspiration to people through exhibitions, landscaping, and specialized technologies, promoting the prosperity of the horticultural industry. Members spare no effort to provide assistance to their professional or amateur garden enthusiasts.

Creation万物 Plant植物 46P 2造园与植物选择·世界园林植物与花卉百科全书

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