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图解炼金术漫画 ,100个不可不知的炼金术精华重点!炼金术师人手一本随身宝典!手持幻想地图,踏入知识满载的奇幻旅程。
草野巧 1956年出生于朸木县。毕业于早稻田大学文学系文艺学科。在担任杂志、书籍的编辑后,成为自由作家。著有《能量宝石事典》、《幻兽事典》、《水浒传一百零八将的简介》、《图说怪兽天地》、《妖精事典》、《地狱事典》、《图解鍊金术》、《图解天国与地狱》、《图解魔导书》等。
Illustrated alchemy comics, 100 must know alchemy essence key! Each alchemy master has a personal treasure! Hold a fantasy map and embark on a journey full of knowledge.

Immortality, turning stones into gold, elixir of immortality, invisibility, angel of command, turning impossible into possible, making humanity a sacred technology that exists equally with gods – alchemy!

Four Elements, Seven Metals, philosopher’s stone, Rosicrucianism, soteriology, reincarnation, astrology, Homecruise, magic image, emerald record, Avicenna, Roger Bacon, Nelle Lemme, Rudolph II, Paracelsus, General Gilly de Les, master, Ulopoulos, moral, Gnostic rescue

The alchemy, full of esoteric colors, has a history even older than Christianity. It combines the greatest mystical ideas and the most advanced scientific technology to turn corruption into magic, turning the most bizarre, eccentric, and incredible imaginings – predicting the future, turning stones into gold, and immortality into possibility and reality. This magical charm that may make beautiful dreams come true is endless, constantly attracting people who yearn and embrace their dreams.

This book covers history, scientific theory, real people, anecdotes and anecdotes. It condenses the essence of alchemy’s various information, gathers interest and knowledge into one volume, opens the door to your imagination, and completely interprets the alchemy mystery!

Kazuo Kono was born in 1956 in Kami Prefecture. Graduated from the Department of Literature and Art at Waseda University. After serving as the editor of magazines and books, he became a freelance writer. He has authored works such as “Energy Gem Chronicle”, “Phantom Chronicle”, “Introduction to 108 Generals of the Water Margin”, “Illustrated Monster Heaven and Earth”, “Demon Chronicle”, “Hell Chronicle”, “Illustrated Alchemy”, “Illustrated Heaven and Hell”, “Illustrated Demon Guide Book”, etc.

Culture文化 Metaphysics玄学 226P 图解炼金术


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