Culture文化 Kungfu武学 368P 《少林八极拳》之二,释素法
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素法,生于1925年1月2日,现年 65岁,俗姓徐,名祗法,字清灵,山 本省郯城县郑城后村人。
素法自幼体弱多病,后跟少林武术名师马希贫先生刃 武数年? 1936年4月6日,经马先生推荐入少林寺为備,拜少 林寺第二十九世著名武稽货秋大扣尚为师,賜法号责法。师 授少林正宗武法;又向贞绪、贞俊二位高僧习少林气功、 硬功、十八般式艺和武伤救治等,在寺内3仑月,随后战乱 还俗。还俗后依然铭记恩师教诲,刻苦习武,遍访名师,精 研武技,曾先后向如净、與方、马金标、郭庆方,沙宝玉、佯 中义、王子平、芦松高、蔡枝勤、徐敏武、祁咧堂、刘玉芳、部明 杨、宋德聚、何秀奎、陈发科、吴秀峰、李春华、李计法、 李春廷、杨沛武等武林前辈虚心求教,学习了太极、八极、 五合、查拳、少林拳、华拳、弹瞇、金刚、披挂、戮脚、炮 捶、螳螂、洪拳、八极、天罡、罗汉、六合、看家拳 等百余套拳术,
几十年来,刻苦研炼,坚持不懈。为弘杨少林武术, 1983年重返少林寺,同少林寺方丈德禅、行政、素喜及其 弟子德炎、德虔、德皎等共同挖掘整理了《少林武术入
门》、《少林武术》4一7册、《少林拳法真传》、《少林点 穴法》,《少林十八般兵器》、《少林武术要略》、《少林 寺医秘臬锦》、《少林打擂秘诀》、《少林宗七十 二乞》《少林武术气功自学教材》、《少休拳法精粹》、 《少休刀术精华》、《少林八般武》、《少林枪术集锦》, 还亲自主编了《少林看家拳》、《少林五合拳》、《少林金 剛拳》、《少林护身暗器秘传》、《少林兵容总谱秘本》等 30多部少林拳请书籍,受到国内外该者的好评素法武师曾 任离山少林責少年武术学忮和少林寺武术专业学校总教练兼 教务主任,济南军区某部特遨教练,新嫌伊犁埯区武协副主 席兼地区武馆总教练,贵州三都水族自治县少林武馆总教 炼,西安岛山少柹习武会名誉会长,陕西省宁华气功研究所顾问,少林寺武术协会副会长等职。現任化京大学武术气功学 会特遨教练,河南武术技击专习院技木指导,中华武术学会 少林拳研究会顾问,《少林拳》编辑部副总编辑,少枓寺武木 气功兩授学校总教练兼教务主任,少林式术运动医学学会副 会长等职。几年来,为了弘杨少林武术,素法武师足迹遍及全 国,先后曾被全国40多处武术学校,武术班、沾、馆聘为 顾问和技术指导。儿十年来,收徒上万人,苦心授艺,为嫿 承和发展少林武术做出了突出贫献,为了将少林武术推向世 界,素法武师对暮名而来的国际朋友、海外弟子悉心授, 不遗余力
Sufa, born on January 2, 1925, is 65 years old. His common surname is Xu, his name is Jufa, and his name is Qingling. He is from Zhengchenghou Village, Tancheng County, Yamamoto Province.

Sufa has been weak and sickly since childhood, and has been practicing swordsmanship with Shaolin martial arts master Mr. Ma Xiqian for several years? On April 6, 1936, upon the recommendation of Mr. Ma, he entered Shaolin Temple as a disciple and became a disciple of the 29th famous martial arts scholar Qiu Dakuoshang of Shaolin Temple. He was given the title of “Responsibility Law”. Teach Shaolin orthodox martial arts skills; He also practiced Shaolin Qigong, Hard Gong, Eighteen Techniques, and Martial Injury Treatment from the two eminent monks Zhenxu and Zhenjun. He spent three months in the temple, and then returned to secular life after the war. After returning to the secular world, he still remembered the teachings of his mentor and practiced martial arts diligently. He visited famous masters and studied martial arts skills meticulously. He had humbly sought advice from martial arts elders such as Rujing, He Fang, Ma Jinbiao, Guo Qingfang, Sha Baoyu, Fa Zhongyi, Wang Ziping, Lu Songgao, Cai Zhiqin, Xu Minwu, Qi Litang, Liu Yufang, Bu Mingyang, Song Deju, He Xiukui, Chen Fake, Wu Xiufeng, Li Chunhua, Li Jifa, Li Chunting, Yang Peiwu, and learned Tai Chi, Eight Extremes There are more than 100 sets of boxing techniques, including Wuhe, Chaquan, Shaolin Boxing, Huaquan, Tanmi, Vajra, Pihang, Shujiao, Gunchui, Mantis, Hongquan, Baji, Tiangang, Arhat, Liuhe, Kanjiaquan, etc,

For decades, I have been studying hard and persevering. In order to promote Shaolin martial arts, he returned to Shaolin Temple in 1983 and worked together with the abbot of Shaolin Temple, De Chan, Administration, Su Xi, and his disciples, De Yan, De Qian, De Jiao, to explore and organize the book “Shaolin Martial Arts into

Door, 417 volumes of Shaolin Wushu, True Biography of Shaolin Boxing, Shaolin Acupoint Pointing Method, Eighteen Weapons of Shaolin, Essentials of Shaolin Wushu, Medical Secrets of Shaolin Temple, Secrets of Shaolin Challenge, Seventy two Beggars of Shaolin Sect, Self learning Textbook of Shaolin Wushu Qigong, Essence of Less Resting Boxing, essence of Less Resting Sabre Technique, Eight Skills of Shaolin, Collection of Shaolin Gunmanship, He also personally edited more than 30 Shaolin martial arts books, including “Shaolin Family Watching Fist”, “Shaolin Five Harmonies Fist”, “Shaolin Diamond Fist”, “Shaolin Hidden Weapon Secret Biography”, and “Shaolin Soldier Appearance General Manual Secret Script”. He has received praise from both domestic and foreign scholars and has served as a martial arts teacher for young people in Lishan Shaolin, the head coach and academic director of Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Professional School, and a special air coach for a certain department in Jinan Military Region, New suspects hold positions such as Vice Chairman of the Yiliqian District Martial Arts Association and Chief Coach of the Regional Martial Arts School, Chief Instructor of the Shaolin Martial Arts School in Sandu Shui Autonomous County, Guizhou, Honorary President of the Xi’an Island Mountain Shaolin Martial Arts Practice Association, Advisor to the Shaanxi Ninghua Qigong Research Institute, and Vice President of the Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Association. He currently serves as a coach at the Martial Arts Qigong Society of Huajing University, a technical director at the Henan Martial Arts Technical Attack Training Institute, a consultant at the Shaolin Fist Research Association of the Chinese Martial Arts Society, deputy editor in chief of the Shaolin Fist editorial department, head coach and academic director of the Shaoyuan Temple Martial Arts Qigong School, and vice president of the Shaolin Style Sports Medicine Society. In the past few years, in order to promote Shaolin martial arts, Sufa martial artists have traveled all over the country and have been hired as consultants and technical guidance by more than 40 martial arts schools, classes, and schools across the country. Over the past decade, he has recruited tens of thousands of apprentices and diligently taught his skills, making outstanding contributions to the inheritance and development of Shaolin martial arts. In order to promote Shaolin martial arts to the world, Sufa Martial Arts Master has diligently taught his internationally renowned friends and overseas disciples, and spared no effort

Culture文化 Kungfu武学 368P 《少林八极拳》之二,释素法

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