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In 1997, Hong Kong cartoonist Li Zhiqing founded Minghe (Chuangwen) Publishing Co., Ltd. with Jin Yong. At the age of 34, cartoonist Li Zhiqing was responsible for adapting Mr. Jin Yong’s novels into cartoons.

Many people have adapted Mr. Jin Yong’s martial arts novels, but some of the adaptations did not meet his expectations. Therefore, this time, Jin Yong hired a manga artist he recognized – Li Zhiqing, who can be said to have a keen eye for understanding people.

Li Zhiqing once served as the chief writer in the Jade Emperor Dynasty of Huang Yulang, the godfather of Hong Kong comics. He is good at creating comics in various styles, such as ink and wash style, sketch and western painting. His comic skills are reflected in the character images of comics.

After collaborating with Jin Yong, he first started creating “Laughing Proud Jianghu” with “Flying Snow Shooting White Deers in the Sky, and Laughing Book God Heroes Relying on Bi Yuan”. From this manga, it can be seen that Mr. Jin Yong has a keen eye for understanding people, and those who have read Li Zhiqing’s manga cannot help but marvel.

Comic动漫 Culture文化 160P 笑傲江湖22卷


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