Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 508P 《齐白石全集》(第十卷.诗文与题跋)
►   站内排名:No.1837   ◄

The Complete Works of Qi Baishi “is a book topic listed as a key publication plan of the national” Eighth Five Year Plan “. After nearly five years of comprehensive solicitation, filming, and compilation work, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House has been able to complete it. Qi Baishi is a great master in the Chinese painting world, a recipient of the International Peace Prize, and a world-renowned cultural figure. Throughout his life, he created tens of thousands of paintings and seal cutting works, which attracted the attention of the world. When determining the topic selection for the “Complete Works of Qi Baishi”, the society aimed to showcase Qi Baishi’s artistic achievements throughout his life in a comprehensive, multi angle, and three-dimensional manner as their publishing goal. In the past five years, the society has attracted over 60 museums, art galleries, colleges and universities, as well as research

Culture文化 Masterpiece名著 508P 《齐白石全集》(第十卷.诗文与题跋)


历史上的今天 ( 4 ):

可点 ➠ 2023年-04月-14日 254 s 0
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